Friday, June 16, 2006

Proteus VS Adium

What a hard choice...but by the time it matters the comparison will have changed anyways :P.


Oh and what about Napa vs. Santa Rosa? Worth the wait...?

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A summer of THIS?

This summer is looking grim. Not grim in that it's boring but grim 'cause it's going to be damn painful. I'm not sure if I can suffer through morning and evening practices. Well, I probably will anyways but damn it's starting to hurt. My abs hurt when I sneezed...that's a bad sign.

And of course, there's plenty of work to do outside of that. Big events coming up this month that I have to plan for!


Not really.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Wow dead tired

So Tomasz and I basically spent the last two days swimming and biking and changing the fate of world in the World Cup. We slept at 5:30 cuz of damn Trinidad and Tobago always beating us in the finals. Geez I never want to hear T&T again :P.

Today, we biked to the bay. Basically. It was a pretty long ride but actually not as long as I suspected it would be. There was a concert at the amphitheatre (yeah we biked to it) and it was pretty interesting.

So yeah I'm really tired but now it's time to get back to work. There's a helluva lot to do now.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Back to this again...for how long who knows?

So apparently my last post was about finals. As in, first semester finals. Well I decided to restart this thing. Do you know why? Because I think I'm bored. Even with a to do list probably taller than my sister when written in 12 point font, I'm bored. Summer brings bliss don't it? Well anyways, why don't I recap the last semester hmm? No particular order of course.

Well numero uno Spanish 3 was the worst class ever. So boring. So hard. So tedious to get through. No offense to anyone in particular, but it was just BAD. Kudos to those who made it bearable (those of you who stayed in the class at least). On the last day of school we were cleaning her room. Um...yeah...thanks senorita. Great year. Way to cap it off with disinfecting wipes and tissue.

I got elected as crew leader for our crew heading off to philmont. Which will be in less than a month. Which we need to prepare for. Which will be the event of the summer for me pretty much. I hope I don't die in some New Mexican thunderstorm...or get my face blown off shooting black powder...or run over by a horse...or...maybe I'll choke on a piece of gold? Lol if I can find a piece that big, that would be sweet. Yeah...philmont here we come.

Swimming season was pretty much the bomb. 'Nuff said about that. League champions baby. By alot too. Yeah. By ALOT. Made the finals kind of boring though. Oh well it was pure pwnage and great fun y'all! Can't wait til we have a damn pool of our own again. I thought it was supposed to be done January...? And then march...? And now we can't even use it in the summer? Man, who are the contractors we hired?!

Other classes were just classes. Pretty normal if you ask me. I don't think there was anything life changing or extremely interesting. Maybe that one time I went to Alex's garage to work on motors. That was actually quite an experience. I don't know why but that really did something to me in terms of not liking how MV works. Yeah, sophomore year really made me anti-MV. Something must be wrong with me :P.

Yeah, I think I'll stop there. Overall, sophomore year for me was..well, to put it honestly, dull. Like, really dull. It went by fast, and was pretty meaningless the whole way through. I'm looking forward to finishing school now. Even floatbuilding wasn't that great for some reasons which many of you may know already. Maybe that's where I first lost faith in this year. It's kinda irrational yeah but I think that's where it all started. Polo n swimming on the other hand were great memory banks. Those were the times definitely. I guess this year is sorta inserted between the newness of freshman year and the fun of senior year. Maybe? Maybe. Or maybe I'm growing a big grudge against MV. That's really possible. In fact, that's likely. Of course there is always stuff I love in MV, it just gets kind shied out sometimes. Like Stark's Wednesday quizzes. Those were the bomb. Learning absolutely random stuff turned out to be more fun than I could have ever imagined.

Anyways, I'll update this more regularly. I'll try to at least, no guarantees of course. I've made and unmade this thing so many times now it's getting a little repetitive itself. Wow dull and repetitive. Those two words are serious reoccuring themes in my life right now. Like in scouts, I'm SPL and making it my goal to fight those things (and with some apparent success Tuesday, we ... went overboard with it though). But yeah, who knows what's going to happen :). I'll post again when I feel like it.


DOH oh yeah I forgot to mention I did pretty well this year. I guess that matters for something.